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PainLess Collagen normally sells for $59, but this week, first time customers can save up to 60% OFF when you stock up on PainLess Collagen while supplies last. Plus you'll receive FREE shipping today!

  • Increase cartilage density for more flexible joints, hips, and knees
  • Reduce joint inflammation to ease discomfort for smoother movement
  • Strengthen bones, tendons, & connective tissue to reduce fracture risk
  • Enhance recovery and healing to naturally reduce wear and tear
  • Improvements in walking and descending stairs

As Low As $0.48 Per Scoop 

$59  $29

+ FREE Shipping

See Today's Deal


Stock Up And Save Up To 60% OFF With Today's Limited Time Discount

While Supplies Last...Supply Is Limited And They Will Go Fast!

You can try PainLess Collagen for an entire 60 days and if for any reason you’re not completely satisfied, simply let us know by emailing us or calling our toll free number and you’ll receive a full refund upon the return of the product! So rest assured, you can complete your order today knowing that you’re 100% protected by our risk-free money-back guarantee.

Meet The Only Kinesiologist Formulated Collagen To Soothe And Strengthen Your Joints, Hips, Knees And Bones The Natural Way

In over 25 years of helping clients restore comfortable movement, I’ve never seen anything more effective than PainLess Collagen for preventing wear and tear, and strengthening their joints, bones, and cartilage so they can live a happy, active and pain free life. 

Rick Kaselj, Kinesiologist, Pain & Injury Specialist


Rick Kaselj MS, BSc is the Founder of Exercises For Injuries. Rick graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology from Simon Fraser University and has a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science from the California University of Pennsylvania. He is a member of the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance and British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists, and a featured presenter for The Natural Health Practitioners Of Canada as well as The National Strength And Conditioning Association which has allowed him to work first hand with leading anti-aging and pain management experts around the world…


Q: What is collagen?

Collagen is the key protein produced in the body that makes up connective tissue, skin, muscle tissue, bones, joints, tendons, and cartilage.

It's the "glue" that holds together your body’s youthful appearance and function.

Q: Why do we need to consume more collagen?

After age 25, the body's production of collagen declines more with each passing year – this is what leads to those stubborn signs of aging:

      • Joints lose flexibility so movement becomes painful
      • Bones lose density, become weak and more prone to osteoporosis
      • Skin loses elasticity so it wrinkles and sags
      • Muscles lose firmness so they become soft and flabby
      • Hair loses strength, so it becomes more brittle and thin
      • Blood vessels that help fortify your heart lose strength

This is where PainLess Collagen comes into play.

With each scoop, you’ll be giving your body what it needs to increase natural collagen production and promote strong joints, hips, knees, and bones for an active lifestyle. Plus as a nice bonus, PainLess Collagen also nourishes your skin and hair, while lifting and firming muscles and supporting a healthy weight.

Q: What are the benefits of taking collagen?

Here are just a few of the many proven benefits that are associated with PainLess Collagen:

Strong Joints & Bones:

  • A 2012 study showed that adults who took at least 2 grams of collagen daily for 70 days experienced significant reduction in joint pain and were better able to engage in physical activity than those who did not take it [59]
  • Collagen makes up 90% of bone mass. A study published in the International Journal of Medical Sciences showed that Type II collagen also provided pain relief for those with osteoarthritis in the knee [44].
  • Specifically, those who took Type II collagen reported a 40% decrease in pain [44], including:
      • Pain during climbing up and down stairs [44]
      • Night pain [44]
      • Resting pain [44]
      • Pain walking on flat surfaces [44]
      • Pain performing heavy domestic duties [44]
      • Difficulty walking on flat surfaces [44]
      • Pain at night while in bed

Youthful Skin:

    • A study published in the journal of Skin Pharmacology and Physiology found a 17.7% reduction in eye wrinkle volume after taking hydrolyzed collagen  [40]
    • A 2014 study of 69 women ages 35 to 55 found that those who took at least 2.5 grams of collagen - that included type III - daily for 8 weeks showed vast improvement in skin elasticity [37]. And after 4 weeks of follow up treatment, significantly higher skin elasticity levels were determined in elderly women [37].
    • Another study found that woman who took at least 1 gram of collagen per day for 12 weeks had 76% less skin dryness, 12% fewer visible wrinkles, better blood flow in the skin, and a higher collagen content [38]
    • In a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study from The Journal of Medicinal Food, women who received 2.5g of collagen daily experienced a significant decrease of cellulite appearance in the thighs and buttocks compared to those who were given a placebo.

Healthy Hair:

  • Collagen makes up 70% of your dermis, the middle layer of your skin that contains the root of each individual hair. Which means maintaining a healthy level of collagen in the body can help maintain a healthy dermis and prevent hair thinning.
  • Collagen is also rich in specific amino acids that are critical to your body's ability to build keratin, the protein that makes up your hair.

Lean Muscles:

Did you know that one of the main driving factors of the metabolism is lean muscle?

The more lean muscle tissue you have, the more calories the body burns throughout the day.

Unfortunately, many adults lose lean muscle as they age.

The good news is, collagen contains high amounts of glycine, a special amino acid which is known for its role in converting glucose into energy that supports lean muscle growth.

Gut Health:

Collagen plays a beneficial role in gut health.

A study from the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging showed that collagen peptides were able to repair and reduce the further breakdown of the intestinal lining inside the gut.

The intestinal lining helps shield immunity by determining what substances can enter the bloodstream from the digestive tract.

In a healthy gut, the intestines are resistant to any possibly harmful substances.

In someone with a weakened intestinal lining, those harmful substances may begin to leak through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream. This is known as Leaky Gut.

Cravings & Appetite:

Collagen is one the most filling proteins. Research in the journal Clinical Nutrition showed that a dose of collagen in the morning increases feelings of fullness by 40 percent and reduces calorie intake at lunch by 20 percent.

Q: What makes PainLess Collagen the best collagen for me?

Did you know that there are over 16 different types of collagen?

However, in order to get real and sustainable results, you have to get the right types of collagen in the optimal form.

That's why every scoop of PainLess Collagen includes a unique combination of the 3 most pure and potent hydrolyzed collagen peptides (Type I, II, III) from 3 natural food sources.

Together, these 3 specific types of collagen make up more than 90% of all the collagen in your joints, bones, cartilage and throughout your entire body.

Type I Collagen

Type I collagen is the most abundant collagen in the body and is expressed in virtually all connective tissues [42].

It’s the major structural protein of skin, hair, bone, tendon, ligament, cornea, blood vessels, as well as an important component of other tissues [42]. Of these tissues, skin and bone have the most functional role for Type 1 collagen [42].

Type II Collagen

Most commercial forms of collagen do not include type two and it’s a huge problem. 

Type II collagen is the main component of cartilage.

Cartilage is connective tissue found in many areas of the body, including joints between bones (elbows, knees and ankles), ends of the ribs, between the vertebrae in the spine, and it’s found in the ears and nose.

Basically, Type II collagen helps to form cartilage that protects your joints and bones, which is why it’s so vital.

Type III Collagen

Type III collagen is the second-most abundant type of collagen in the body, only behind Type I.

It’s a fibrillar collagen and it’s a major component of our skin and organs. It’s usually found with Type 1 and gives skin its elasticity and firmness.

It also helps form blood vessels and tissues within the heart.

As you can see, having an abundance of all three types of collagen is absolutely necessary.

    • And yet, most collagen available online or in stores do not include all 3 types of collagen (Type I, II, III) in the optimal forms and amounts.

That’s because if they separate the different types of collagen, they can charge more and sell each individually.

Or they go the exact opposite route, and include 5 or more types of collagen all at once, which means you get less of Type I, II, & III collagen making it less effective.

    • It turns out, the sweet spot for collagen is three types - specifically Type I, II, & III collagen. With three different types, you get the quality and variety of collagen necessary for youthful skin and hair, health weight and strong joints and bones without diluting the quality of the collagen.

That Said, Collagen Alone Is Not Enough.

That's why every scoop of PainLess Collagen also includes the 5 essential collagen-supporting ingredients that enhance bioavailability and the increase in natural production of collagen.

Collagen Booster #1 - Vitamin C

Vitamin C regulates the synthesis of the structural protein collagen [45] And it’s required for the biosynthesis of collagen [46].That basically means without vitamin C, the body can’t produce collagen.

Most people aren’t getting nearly enough vitamin C through their diet alone, and having low levels can impact how the body processes and absorbs collagen.

And while very few collagen supplements include vitamin C, the ones that do often use low-quality versions loaded with toxins labeled as “ascorbic acid” that aren’t easily absorbable in the body.

One of the BEST Natural Sources of Vitamin C is Acerola Cherry

Acerola cherry is typically found in tropical climates and what makes it so special is that it contains A LOT of Vitamin C.

In fact, just one tablespoon of acerola cherry in powder form contains 525% of the recommended daily intake.

Even better, it contains over 150 phytonutrients, flavonoids, and polyphenols.

Polyphenols are really important because they are packed with antioxidants.

And continuing research shows that polyphenols help slow down the aging process by protecting against age-associated cellular damage [49].

Collagen Booster #2 - Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a clear, lubricating substance that is essential for retaining collagen.

And it plays a key role in keeping skin hydrated and lubricating joints [47].

Roughly half of the hyaluronic acid in the body is present in the skin, where it binds to water to help retain moisture [48].

And when it comes to youthful skin, it retains its resilience and pliability in large part due to its high content of water [48].

However, the normal aging process causes a loss of moisture, and in turn, a loss of hyaluronic acid.

So in order to get to all the skin-enhancing, joint-pain-reducing benefits of collagen, it needs to include hyaluronic acid.

Collagen Booster #3 - Bamboo Extract

Bamboo plants play a significant role in traditional Asian medicine and skin care products, where women are known to defy-aging and have flawless, porcelain-like skin at all ages.

And there has been a wide range of documented proof on the anti-aging benefits of bamboo-derived natural products, such as protection against oxidative stress and inflammation, which are two very well documented causes of collagen decline [51].

However, when it comes to collagen, bamboo extract is really powerful because it’s about 70% silica.

Collagen is mainly made up of silica and if retained in the body, it can help your youthful appearance.

It’s also important for hair growth and volume.

For every gram, the hair contains 90 micrograms of silica.

Only our bones contain more [52].

One study followed the progress of females with thinning hair [53].

What they found was that the women who supplemented with a formula that contained silica (along with horsetail and acerola cherry), experienced significant improvements in overall hair density and strength [53].

In other words, their thinning hair became thicker, lustrous, and more full.

Collagen Booster #4 - Horsetail Plant Extract

Horsetail is a powerful plant that’s been used since the ancient Greek and Roman times, mainly for medicinal purposes.

However, when it comes to collagen, the reason it’s so important is because it’s a great source of silica.

Silica is required for the production of collagen and it also helps form the building blocks of collagen [50].

That means in order to get the best possible benefits from collagen, you need silica as the foundation, which helps strengthen connective tissue…

And it’s filled with antioxidants that help fight free radical damage that breaks down collagen.

The body needs silica for the formation of new collagen...

Yet, not all collagen supplements contain silica.

And if it does, it’s not a high quality source that’s easily absorbable in the body.

However, one of the best forms is found in horsetail extract and that’s why you should always search the ingredient label before choosing a brand of collagen.

Collagen Booster #5 - Vitamin B6

Vitamin B is often overlooked when it comes to collagen and skin health and that is a big mistake.

A 2018 study found that vitamin B helps the body produce healthy new skin cells [55].

And another study found that the collagen content of the skin was lower in groups who were deficient in vitamins B2 and B6 [56].

That’s why in order to get the absolute best results possible, the body needs optimal levels of vitamin B - B6 specifically.

When someone is B6 deficient, it can lead to cracked and sore lips, weakened immune function, tiredness, low energy, and even tingling in the hands and feet [57].

100% Clean Collagen Formula:

  • Grass-Fed, Keto, Paleo, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free & GMO Free
  • There's absolutely NO synthetic hormones, chemicals, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or sweeteners of any kind in this all natural collagen formula.

Q: How much should I order today?

Our most popular and best value savings offer is 3 or 6 jars. And this is what we recommend since you'll save over 60% OFF today on this limited time offer and get the lowest price it will ever be at.

That's as low as $29 per jar (as low as $0.48 per scoop)! 

Plus you'll receive FREE shipping and a copy of the entire Ageless Body System for hips, knees, back and shoulders, a $50 value, yours FREE today!

Q: What is the best way to use PainLess Collagen?

It’s as simple as adding 2 small scoops to your coffee, smoothie, tea or any other liquid or food to help rejuvenate your body from the inside and out.


Q: What are the ingredients in PainLess Collagen?

Q: Can I buy PainLess Collagen anywhere else?

No. PainLess Collagen is currently only available on this secure page. This way, we can maintain our highly praised customer service and lowest rock bottom prices.

Q: After I order today, will anything else be sent or billed to me?

Absolutely not. This is a one-time transaction today only. No future charges will be made because you are NOT subscribing to anything.

Q: I clicked the order button and it said "out of stock" - When will PainLess Collagen be back in stock?

Because of high demand, we only have a limited amount of jars to give away at today’s special new customer only discounted price. If you click a link on this page and see that we are out of stock again, please contact us at to get on the notification list, and we’ll honor the sale price when we get more in stock, even if it’s in 6 months!

Q: What if it doesn't work for me?

You can try our 100% premium grass-fed collagen for an entire 60 days and if for any reason you’re not completely satisfied, simply reach out to our team to request a refund. Rest assured you can complete your order today knowing that you’re 100% protected by our risk-free guarantee.

Stock Up And Save Up To 60% OFF With Today's Limited Time Discount

While Supplies Last...Supply Is Limited And They Will Go Fast!

Click and drag the image to zoom in

PainLess Collagen normally sells for $59, but this week, first time customers can save up to 60% OFF when you stock up on PainLess Collagen while supplies last. Plus you'll receive FREE shipping today!

  • Increase cartilage density for more flexible joints, hips, and knees
  • Reduce joint inflammation to ease discomfort for smoother movement
  • Strengthen bones, tendons, & connective tissue to reduce fracture risk
  • Enhance recovery and healing to naturally reduce wear and tear
  • Improvements in walking and descending stairs

As Low As $0.48 Per Scoop 

$59  $29

+ FREE Shipping

See Today's Deal


You can try PainLess Collagen for an entire 60 days and if for any reason you’re not completely satisfied, simply let us know by emailing us or calling our toll free number and you’ll receive a full refund upon the return of the product! So rest assured, you can complete your order today knowing that you’re 100% protected by our risk-free money-back guarantee.

Scientific References: +

Scientific References:







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